Assoc. Prof. Yoana Sirakova PhD

Yoana SirakovaYoana Sirakova is Associate Professor in the Department of Classical Philology, University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Her research interests are in the fields of translation studies and classical receptions. She teaches courses in translations studies, problems of translation and reception of ancient texts, history of translation, translation practice seminar, Latin language and Roman authors, Latin language. She is a project director and participant in several research projects dealing with translation studies, excellence in teaching Classics, and classical receptions in Bulgarian literature and culture. As well as numerous articles on translation studies and the classics and classical receptions in Bulgaria her recent publications include the book The Bulgarian Translations of Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ (2012), and a monograph on classical receptions in Bulgarian poetry The Uses of Antiquity in Bulgarian Poetry: Forms and Figures (2012). For a more detailed CV and publications, click here.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”,
Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology
Department of Classical Philology
15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.
Sofia 1504, Bulgaria